ÖRAK eSignature-Client for lawyers

Have you ever wondered how you can manage digital signature processes for your clients regardless of time and place? In other words, how you can send documents to third parties for qualified electronic signing? And how, once the digital signature process is complete, you have a securely stored digital document that has been electronically signed by all parties involved, legally valid and legally secure throughout Europe?

We asked ourselves this question. And started looking for a solution.

We wanted a signature solution that was tailored to the needs of the legal profession, with which legally valid digital signatures could be obtained throughout Europe - even across borders - and which both our colleagues and their clients could trust.

We wanted an easy-to-use tool on a highly secure platform with which we can 'invite' third parties to sign electronically or sign ourselves, regardless of their place of residence. Independent of time and place.

All this is offered by the new signature solution for the Austrian legal profession, which we have implemented at the ÖRAK - Austrian Bar Association together with POS Solution GmbH (Markus Mayrhofer, Bernt Vossebein, Bruno Reisinger).

Further links:

Registration for ÖRAK members:


About the Austrian Bar Association (ÖRAK)

The Austrian Bar Association (ÖRAK) is the umbrella organization of the nine bar associations in Austria and is responsible for safeguarding the rights and affairs of the Austrian legal profession as a whole and for representing it. The ÖRAK is a corporation under public law.