POSsign - Web-Signature
You can use SIGNPOS to sign documents with electronic signatures in accordance with eIDAS. In most cases, advanced electronic signatures are sufficient, as they are admissible as evidence in court. You can also generate qualified electronic signatures with SIGNPOS for processes where a formal requirement applies by law. SIGNPOS therefore enables you to sign contracts, receipts, forms, etc. electronically in a legally secure manner in any application. Documents can be transferred to the POSsign module for signing via API/SDK. With SIGNPOS, you can offer the signatory various methods for signing (biometrics, PIN, QES, company stamp, etc.).
Products and services Onboarding
eIDAS Compliance
Electronic signature with certificate
Biometric signature
Signature verification and reference signatures
Authentication of the signatory
Mobile (remote) signature
Sports Betting & Gaming
Human Resources
Electronic signature in accordance with eIDAS (AS and QES)
Protect electronic documents against alteration
Create multilevel signature runs
Smartphone signature
- Standard API and SDK for integration into other applications
- Notification of registered applications and users in the event of certain events
- Integration of the Active Directory service for user authentication
- Monitoring and logging functions for tracking processes and procedures on the server
- Support for high-availability solutions (load balancing, clustering)
- Mandate-capable and virtualizable
- Multilingualism expandable via language files
POSsign use cases to inspire and illustrate
STORY- Digital onboarding and KYC identification at Traders Place
The complete digital onboarding for the Tradersplace accounts was developed entirely on the basis of POSportal technology, which also includes legally compliant KYC / AML identification.
STORY- Internal electronic signature processes - Remote signature for board notifications at ÖAMTC
A case for POSsignflow: uploading a document to the cloud so that someone else can sign it remotely, regardless of location and time, from almost any device.
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