TPS - Trusted Platform Services

Our modular system for secure onboarding trust services

Our TPS platform offers you authentication services that are reliable, secure and quick to integrate.

Compliance with the law, data protection, security and user trust are paramount.  All platform services are designed to protect user data and ensure the integrity of transactions or interactions.

This includes a secure private cloud architecture as well as encrypted communication, protected transactions and permanent monitoring and auditing.

About us

POS Solutions offers “Services made in Austria” with the highest service standards and maximum customer orientation.

We have been the technology leader in the areas of online identification and electronic signatures for many years.

In all industries, our internationally eIDAS-certified products and solutions offer the basic prerequisites for legally compliant onboarding, as required in the areas of AML/GwG, data protection and IT security. 

More about POS
TPS - Services and products
Our concept is based on a modular system with standard functions and services
Our trusted platform services can be implemented via the POSportal framework. Three modules offer corresponding standard functionalities in the areas of structured data capture, online identification and electronic signature.
More about products and services
Get the help you need.

Let us know your request and give us some details. You can reach us by phone or e-mail. We look forward to getting in touch with you. 
