ÖAMTC, Vienna / Austria

The ÖAMTC has brought its membership application to smartphones

Since the beginning of the year, it has been clear from the media that the topic of "digitalization" will play a very important role at ÖAMTC in 2019. No wonder, given that the company is so technically adept.

In a comprehensive project, the ÖAMTC relaunched one of its most important tools, its membership application.

The HTML5-based solution, which was also optimized for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet PCs, is a centrally organized solution.

The application process for joining should primarily satisfy the "self-service approach" of the online channel, but must also be able to be used "on site" at the regional clubs in all bases.

"Customer and employee-friendly", "very easy to use" and nominated for the Innovation Award

After initial skepticism at regional club level, the solution has now been met with great approval without exception. The universal feedback rates the solution as "customer- and employee-friendly" and "very easy to use". Overall, the ÖAMTC can significantly improve its process throughput times thanks to the purely electronic processing.

However, the solution also set new standards in terms of data protection. Coordination with the ÖAMTC's legal department with regard to data protection requirements took up a considerable amount of time and had a significant impact on the process design.

The ÖAMTC nominated its electronic declaration of membership for the international innovation award.


Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle and Touring Club (ÖAMTC)

The Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle and Touring Club (ÖAMTC for short) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that claims to support and represent mobile people. The association was founded in 1946 through the merger of the Austrian Touring Club (founded in 1896) with the Austrian Automobile Club (founded in 1898). (Source Wikipedia)