ÖAMTC, Vienna / Austria

Internal signature flows - remote signature for board notifications at ÖAMTC

The ÖAMTC has already been successfully using electronic signatures with POSsign for several years. People at the very top of the ÖAMTC have now also "acquired a taste for it". Due to a lot of time spent working from home, documents that required the highest level of signature were left lying around and became the "bottle-neck" of important processes.

A case for POSsignflow: uploading a document to the cloud so that someone else can sign it remotely from almost any device, regardless of time and place.

From now on, circular resolutions, board decisions and HR documents will be signed in the electronic workflow.

By integrating the in-house A-Trust HSM, the signatories can also provide qualified electronic signatures (in accordance with eIDAS). The cell phone signature app from A-Trust is also used.


Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle and Touring Club (ÖAMTC)

The Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle and Touring Club (ÖAMTC for short) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that claims to support and represent mobile people. The association was founded in 1946 through the merger of the Austrian Touring Club (founded in 1896) with the Austrian Automobile Club (founded in 1898). (Source Wikipedia)