KSV1870, Vienna/ Austria

Innovative cooperation with KSV1870

In order to expand the Kapsch BusinessCom platform K.I.S.S. with additional business logics, a cooperation with KSV1870 was entered into. It is now possible to include KSV1870's creditworthiness queries as part of workflow management. This plays an important role, for example, in the area of automatic consumer lending.

With this new service in combination with a standardized household calculation, loans up to a certain amount can be granted freely and completely automatically. It takes less than 24 hours from application to disbursement for the customer.


About KSV1870

KSV offers international business information, debt collection services and representation in insolvency proceedings. 70 percent of business information is already accessed online.

International subsidiaries and strategic investments have created the KSV Group, which stands for technical know-how on the one hand and worldwide connections on the other. The association is governed by a presidium and board of directors, with Johannes Nejedlik and Karl Jagsch responsible for operational management. Today, 720 employees look after 20,000 members at 28 locations in Austria and abroad. Turnover in Austria amounted to 42 million euros in 2006. (Source: KSV1870)